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From Algeria to Syria
Immoral Recipes (2023-2024)
Mirrors/echoes (2022-24)
On the Path 2024
“La Belle Equipe” (2010-24)
Choir MardiSonnants (2004-23)
SONG/jeux [sɔ̃ʒ] Dreams (2020-24)
The voice, the language (2021)
Do not come! (2021)
Europe is here! (2021)

A musical theatre company dedicated to voice lead by Brigitte Cirla. Singing, voice and polyphony are the core of creation and transmission.


Miroirs/Echos 06/06/24 in Marseille
26/10/24 Marseille, 10ème
12/09/24: Lavaspiedras, Espagne – 17/11/24: Maison du chant, Marseille.