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Home (2018)

A powerful show that speaks of roots, displacement and questions the meaning of the word “HOME”

We’re all trying to figure out where we came from. For some of us, “Home” is a life recreated in a new country, to escape a conflict zone or a devastated country. For others, it’s a house, a table, bread and olive oil…

« It’s very simple, for me home it’s bread and a table… » Nazim Hikmet.

HOME is inspired by interviews with Helen Chadwick’s neighbours and those living locally in London. Helen asked each person to speak of home and what that means to them. Some of those interviewed have since moved on to live elsewhere: a Palestinian man is now in America, a Colombian woman is now in Italy.

Others, born in London, Spain, Poland, the former Yugoslavia, Caribbean, Kurdistan, Turkey and Ireland, have lived in Dalston for many years. Songs are also drawn from conversations witnessed in cafes and on public transport as well as other lyrics from poems by poets who have known displacement and exile.

All the photos: Here

Home - © C.DUTREY 2018
Home – © C.DUTREY 2018
Home - © C.DUTREY 2018
Home – © C.DUTREY 2018
Home - © C.DUTREY 2018
Home – © C.DUTREY 2018
Home - © C.DUTREY 2018
Home – © C.DUTREY 2018
Home - © C.DUTREY 2018
Home – © C.DUTREY 2018
Home - © C.DUTREY 2018
Home – © C.DUTREY 2018
Home - © C.DUTREY 2018
Home – © C.DUTREY 2018
Home - © C.DUTREY 2018
Home – © C.DUTREY 2018
Home - © C.DUTREY 2018
Home – © C.DUTREY 2018
Home - © C.DUTREY 2018
Home – © C.DUTREY 2018
Home - © C.DUTREY 2018
Home – © C.DUTREY 2018
Home - © C.DUTREY 2018
Home – © C.DUTREY 2018
“HOME, it’s not a place, it’s a feeling! »” Nazim Hikmet

« Where is home ? Where do you come from?”

HOME, a choir, 4 solo singers, an original intimate stage set for 80 spectators
The music allows the lag, and the collected words are listened to and heard in another resonance.

A journey juxtaposing the vocal power of a group, the fragility of solo voices,  and the naked force of a speech.
The texts collected orally, with a reduced and awkward vocabulary, as if cut with a knife, respond to the heartbreaking poems of Darwich and Hikmet.
Lyrics sung, spoken, uttered, whispered in a shared closeness and intimacy.

It was necessary to be together in the same space : spectators and artists, listeners and singers,


2018, december 12
Salle Seita, La Friche belle de Mai, Marseille
2018, december 13
Salle Seita, La Friche belle de Mai, Marseille
2018, december 14
Salle Seita, La Friche belle de Mai, Marseille


Music: Helen Chadwick
Authors: Hannah Arendt, Mahmoud Darwich, Nazim Hikmet + interviews
Solists: H. Chadwick, B. Cirla, S. Mahdaoui, T. Zolty.
With the  Choirs Indéchiffrables: Les MardiSonnants and La Belle Equipe.

A production Voix Polyphoniques (France)/Songtheatre (Grande-Bretagne)
Supports: aide à la création DRAC