Hors Chant (2006-07)
THE CHOSEN TEXTS : after Sayd Bahodine Majrouh and André Velter « Suicide and Song »
A trio performance with two actor/singers ,Brigitte Cirla and Marianne Suner, and one musician Isabelle Cirla (clarinet & saxophone). The project revolves around 20th and 21st century music by women composers and poems or « landays », extracts from the book « Suicide and song » by Sayd Bahodine Majrouh .
THE CHOSEN TEXTS : after Sayd Bahodine Majrouh and André Velter « Suicide and Song »
Other text extracts are from The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir and newspaper articles by Ignacio Ramonet or health reports from OMS (organisation mondiale de la santé) or amnesty international upon domestic violences

The « landays » which means « short « are very short poems in 2 lines of 9 or 13 syllables each, not necesarily rhyming but with internal scansion. The conditions of life of a pashtoun woman in domestic slavery and the ancestral yoke of her moral subjugation, she is kept her whole life in a position of inferioirity, or subordination and of humiliation. Apparently submissive and devoted, she is indignant, she protests, she revolts. From this buried protestation, hardened day by day, she delivers just two testimonies : suicide and song ( « Landays »)
Brigitte Cirla creates her own artistic path with a fertile passion and with a great curiosity. Marianne Suner divides her time between contemporary music, both as singer and composer for vocal ensembles, and a great love of food. Isabelle Cirla improvises on her clarinet as though she was simply breathing, and with a deep understanding of colour and rhythm.
This variety of languages and landscapes allows them to compose, always with rigour, this intense and eclectic programme, fruit of their meetings and passions. Eclectic but not fragmented. From this great breadth of forms, the timbres and the ideas, a double unity is pursued : those of the perfomers and those of the creative force itself. Ana Z Woolf co-directed this piece with B. Cirla.
Hors chant Teaser
Production : Voix Polyphoniques
Direction : Brigitte Cirla/Ana Z Woolf
Artistic concellor : Anne De Broca
Lights : Raphaël Verley
Sound : Dominique Clément
Costumes/Scenography : Chantal Hocdé
Composers : Helen Chadwick, Lindsay Cooper, Nadine Esteve, Betsy Jolas, Marianne Suner.
Musicians : Brigitte Cirla (mezzo soprano), Isabelle Cirla (bass clarinet and sax soprano), Marianne Suner (soprano)
Textes : « Le suicide et le chant » par Sayd Bahodine Majrouh Traduction française : André Velter.
Extraits du « 2ème sexe » de Simone de Beauvoir ;
du rapport Henrion et du rapport ENVEFF et de documents émanant de l’OMS ou d’Amnesty international.
Voix Polyphoniques is a company resident in La Friche Belle de Mai, and granted by Marseille city, BDR department and PACA region.
Titres Compositeurs Auteurs
Harmoniques I. Cirla/M. Suner S. B. Majrouh/A. Velter
Soif M. Suner S. B. Majrouh/A. Velter
Jingle 1 I. Cirla/M. Suner Rapport Henrion/Amnisty
Stitch the needle L. Cooper
Le petit affreux N. Esteve S. B. Majrouh/A. Velter
Jingle 2 I. Cirla/B. Cirla Rapport Henrion/Amnisty
Mon bien aimé N. Esteve S. B. Majrouh/A. Velter
Assassination Valse L. Cooper B. Cirla/B. Maurin
Jingle 3 M. Suner Rapport Henrion/Amnisty
Etirée I. Cirla/M. Suner S. B. Majrouh/A. Velter
Hold on H. Chadwick Brigitte Cirla
Tous les mythes S. De Beauvoir
Caprice B. Jolas
Impro dans l’eau Isabelle Cirla
Flammes noires M. Suner S. B. Majrouh/A. Velter