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Choirs Indéchiffrables (2004-24)

Choristers association since 2004 in Marseille

In 2024 two choirs exist within the association
The mixed choir : « Les MardiSonnants » : 28 choristers
The female choir:  « The great team» : 5 choristers
They are led by Brigitte Cirla artistic director and choir director, and Isabelle Lopez vocal technique teacher. They sing in original language, contemporary works of the 20 and 21st century.

Every year, they look for an in-depth exchange with a choir from another region or country. They perform in theatres, churches and the streets, as well as in culturally isolated places: retirement homes, prisons, psychiatric hospitals.

groupe vocal 2006
groupe vocal 2006
© P.CIOT groupe vocal 2006
© P.CIOT groupe vocal 2006
© N. Durand Utopik 2016
© N. Durand Utopik 2016

From the beginning, an innovative and demanding polyphonic repertoire is the hallmark of these choirs in La Friche de la Belle de Mai. It brings together amateurs wishing to work with professionals with a high artistic standard and is intended to encourage, promote and support amateur vocal practice.
It offers the discovery of new vocal repertoires through the organization of weekly chorus rehearsals, weekends, workshops, vocal meetings and public performances.



C’est quoi cette histoire


2023: concerts in Marseille & Haute Loire (43), Rencontres vocales & « Song/jeux«  in Marseille.
2022: performance « Song/Jeux«  (BE) in Holstebro (Danmark), Lecce (Italy), Alleins (13), Toulouse (31), Albi (81).
Performance « Miroirs/Echos » (BE à Marseille & Alleins (13).
2021: performance « Song/Jeux«  (BE) in Marseille & Gratteloup (47), performance « La voix la langue«  GMEM, (BE) in Marseille, Lalevade (07) & Aix en Provence (13) & Festival « Ne venez pas! » in Marseille.
2019: concerts in Marseille & Lassalle (30).
2020: Concerts canceled.
2018: spectacle « Home » à Marseille. Concerts in Lalevade (07) & Marseille: Lacydon, La Friche, Temple Grignan, Les Dimanches de la Canebière.
2017: concerts in Marseille, Anduze, Lassalle & Alès (30) Festival Y’a d’la voix! & Montpellier, festivals Arabesques & Choralissimo. (34). Perfomance “Les Inattendus ” (BE) in Marseille
2016: spectacle « Utopik » à Marseille, Sirènes et Midinet, concert « La si jolie Rive » in La Friche & Mucem (Marseille) Sainte Cécile les Vignes (84), Bouchet (26), Charleval (13). Concert « les inattendus » (BE) in Beauvezer (04)
2015 : performance “A tue Texte“, Marseille: festival GMEM and  Sirènes et Midinet,  and concerts in Bouchet (26) and Sainte Cécile Les Vignes (84)
2014 : performance “Zwischen tönen“, in GERMANY,  Wuppertal,  Marseille, fête de la musique, Rencontres vocales, and Langres (52)
2013 : Marseille, performance “El Cachafaz“, with Cie Parnas and performance “Aoïdé“, Festival de Vives Voix, Correns (83) Joutes musicales, Lodève (34) Festival de poésie, with La Belle Equipe.
2012 : Marseille, Fiesta des Suds, fête du plateau with Village Harmony (USA), fête de la musique, OK Choral and participation to the performance “Les Grooms
2010: à Marseille, Fiesta des Suds, fête du plateau, fête de la musique, OK Choral and Septèmes, Festival de chorales and Moustiers Sainte Marie (04), balade musicale, Sausset les Pins, Les Embuscades musicales
2009 : ITALY, Sardegna, Festival “Sogni a spazo aperti”, Marseille, fête du plateau, fête de la musique, OK Choral, Festival itinérant des arts de la rue and AMPUS and Draguignan (83), choir competition.
2008 : performance “Das Dritte“, GERMANY, Wuppertal,  Marseille, fête du plateau, La nuit des voix lactées, OK choral, Rétina France and Septèmes, Festival de chorales.
2007 : Marseille, Festival OK CHoral, festival de Vives Voix AND Gignac (34), with la Fanfare à mains nues.
2006 : performance “El Verk“, NORWAY, Porsgrunn, Festival Stedsans ,and  1er price of  Roquebrune sur Argens competition.
2005 : Marseille, Les Cabarets Chantants, La fête du plateau, Festival De vives Voix” and Port Saint Louis du Rhône, Festival Les Envies-Rhônements.
2004 : Saint Cierge (07) and performance “La Marche à Suivre”, Corsica, festival Festivoce and Martigues, Festival Des vents des voix.


In 2023-24, « Les MardiSonnants » explored a repertoire of songs from the Levant, shared by the choir Fayha, conducted by Barkev Taslakian, Arabic songs from countries such as Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Turkey, Armenia.
They also began a collaboration with Sébastien Béranger, composer for the participatory creation of a 20-minute work «Ba[2L]des» and a partnership with Amine Soufari around the Algerian repertoire.

In 2023-24, « The great team» repeats new repertoire around Ligeti, Bartok and original compositions by Eléonore Bovon, Alain Aubin, Sébastien Béranger around poems by Mahmoud Darwich and Andrée Chédid.