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“La Belle Equipe” (2010-24)

A female vocal ensemble A Capella

They are 5: 5 voices, 5 throats that get drunk of surprising dissonances and dizzy of trembling cadences.  They craw in Japanese, ramage in Hindu, cackle in Georgian, coo in French, stridulate in Basque… Always in search of discoveries, they slip into the unpublished writings of composers of the 20th and 21st century;
They are conducted by Brigitte Cirla, singer choir conductor.
In the association “Indéchiffrables”  dedicated to amateur choirs, they explore, discover and decipher unpublished contemporary musical writings inspired by traditions of polyphonic singing A Capella. They also commissioned works dedicated to their ensemble, to composers : Sébastien Béranger, Eléonore Bovon, Lionel Ginoux.
They regularly participate in professional shows such as in 2021: “La Voix La Langue”, as choirs invited a href=””>La Voix La Langue (2021)/a>

The concerts:
Miroirs/Echos (2022) composed by Sébastien Béranger
Song/jeux (2021)
commissioned for the exhibition “La symphonie des couleurs ou comment peindre la musique”, Préau des Accoules/ Musée des enfants
La Si Jolie Rive, un concert
Les Inattendus composed Lionel Ginoux


2021 4 performances
FRANCE La ferme du Temple, Grateloup (47300), Comac, Maison du chant (Marseille)
2022 9 performances
FRANCE: Marseille, Toulouse, Albi, DANEMARK: festival Transit, Holstebro, ITALIE: Koreja, Lecce
FRANCE: Marseille
11/03 Eglise Notre Dame du Mont, 18/03 et 7/05 L’Harmonie, 6/05 Maison du Chant, 11/06 Rencontres Vocales,

2020 BE

2015 BE



Brigitte Cirla
Anne-Lise Lionnet
Magali Sand
Brigitte Maurin
Graziella Végis
Musical direction: Brigitte Cirla


La Belle Equipe sang in

  • 2023: concerts in Marseille andHaute Loire (43), Rencontres vocales and « Song/jeux«  in Marseille.
  • 2022: « Miroirs Echos » à Marseille(Pic Télémaque) and Alleins (13)
  • 2022: « Song/jeux » in Holstebro (Danemark, Lecce (Italie), Toulouse (31), Albi (81), Septêmes les Vallons and Marseille (13
  • 2021: « Song/jeux » in Marseille, Grateloup (47), Albi (81)
  • 2019: “Laid, beau et sublime”, Préau des Accoules Marseille and Lassalles (30)
  • 2018: les brigades amateurs des Grandes Tables de la Friche, with Lieux Publics, a concert on swings in the trees, “les Dimanches de la Canebière”, and à Lalevade (Ardèche)
  • 2017: Festivals Choralissimo and Arabesques in Montpellier (34), festival Ya d’la voix in Lassalles and Anduze (30), Festival De Vives Voix in Marseille
  • 2016: Les Automnales in Charleval (13), at Mucem in Marseille, and Abbaye de Bouchet (26)
  • 2015: Festival Magdalena à Montpellier (34), Abbaye de Bouchet (26), Sainte Cécile Les Vignes (84), Maison du chant and Allauch (13)
  • 2014: Point de Bascule in Marseille (13)